Class AbstractCommandFilter

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      AbstractCommandFilter​(CommandFilter... children)
      Creates a CommandFilter with given children.
      All subclasses of CommandFilter are expected to support multiple children filters (except CommandHandler, which is a special case).
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractCommandFilter

        public AbstractCommandFilter​(CommandFilter... children)
        Creates a CommandFilter with given children.
        All subclasses of CommandFilter are expected to support multiple children filters (except CommandHandler, which is a special case).
        children - The children filters, which will be checked in order if this filter tests to be true
    • Method Detail

      • test

        public final boolean test​(TextMessageEvent event,
                                  Command command)
        Description copied from interface: CommandFilter
        Checks to see if the given event and command test to be true according to this filter.
        Specified by:
        test in interface CommandFilter
        event - The event to be tested
        command - The command data executed in this event
        True if and only if this filter allows this event and command combination to go ahead.